W’sup folks!? We’re on the last leg of the touring before we get almost 2 weeks vacation – and then we’ll come back fresher than fresh. I gotta admit that these last weeks have been too hectic. Too much traveling, and too many nights with not enough sleep. It’s hard to keep a balance between what you want to do (and have to – to survive economically), and what the body can take.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to Stockholm tonight, Norway and Stuttgart – and most of all Poland on Sunday. It’s the only show in Poland that we have planned so far and I can’t wait to meet the people there. We always have great shows there!
Here are a couple of Kodak moments from our travels the last weeks:
Ok, that one was from May – but I had forgotten to post it. Looptroop, big in Karlstad!
These people look real scary, like they’re in a sect or something. I hope it’s not the Vegan Sect and that they’re coming to get me soon…
Sometimes you really gotta go…
I’ve never seen this kind of (Norwegian) hand dryer before, and I wasn’t about to use it. That shit looks like it might suck you down and spit you out like a sausage or something.
That’s our sound engineer Vladi, getting his swagger on.