Promoe & Embee – Run Deep

Promoe & Embee – Run Deep is out now!
Check it out here:

Inspired by the Sahara and Palestine marathons, whose slogans are ‘I run best when I run free’ and ‘Right to movement’ respectively.

This is running on a spiritual level, deep into yourself. Running on a social level, for everyone’s right to movement, across all borders. For everyone’s right to freedom.


Upcoming tourdates

Check out some LTR and Promoe shows this summer!

2017 06 03 The Rap Race, Västerås | Looptroop Rockers

2017 07 01 Västerås Cityfestival, Västerås | Promoe
2017 07 02 Airfield, Sibiu (Romania) | Looptroop Rockers
2017 07 15 Kolding Get Down, Kolding (Denmark) | Promoe
2017 07 21 Galota FEST
Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Slovakia) | Looptroop Rockers
2017 07 29 Sun Dance Park, Jihlava (Czech Republic) | Looptroop Rockers

2017 08 05 Sichtfeld Openair, Gipf-Oberfrick (Switzerland) | Looptroop Rockers
2017 08 20 Out4fame, Dortmund (Germany) | Looptroop Rockers

Motivation Music

New track called Motivation Music is up now everywhere. Hope you dig it!
Check out all links here:

They say that some songs write themselves. And maybe some songs do we write mostly for ourselves? Sometimes those songs are the most reflective and honest ones. When it’s not about convincing someone else or convincing yourself. Perhaps more remind yourself or formulate your own thoughts.

It becomes clear that we are motivated by people more than anything else. At the end of the day it’s relationships and meetings that drive us forward!

Embee – Shivers

Embee‘s new instrumental track “Shivers” is out now! Follow this link to listen/download the track on your preferred digital distributor.

“You can get shivers from satisfaction as well as discomfort. This track embraces both feelings. The song was created during a period characterized by a lot of stress and unpleasant working conditions. Expectations to deliver forced music in the daytime built up a lot of energy let out at night in the studio. A flirt with ambient worlds in a modern beat suit that leans towards the avant garde.”

Spraycan Stories pt.2

Release #3/25 Spraycan Stories pt. 2 is out now!
Part 1 came 22 years ago with Promoe rapping about a day in the life of a writer. Now on this new one he returns once again to classic storytelling rap on a banging beat by Embee. Hope you like it!

Here’s what Promoe himself have to say about the track:
“One of many painting adventures from our youth, this particular one took place in Laxå. I learned to control my fear, and we learned project planning. At the same time we were at risk of severely limiting our future. But we were oblivious to all of this while we were in the midst of things, we were simply driven by an uncontrollable passion.”