jag vet att folk brukar fråga oss efter vinyler, o vi har ju inte så mycket i lager. så därför tänkte jag att jag skulle tipsa om den här länken: det är nån som vill sälja av sin looptroop/promoe-samling på blocket. passa på!
Professional dreamer of the day – February 23rd
Professional dreamer of the day – February 22nd
Today’s dreamer is the super talented Gnucci Banana. A dope MC and great person. If you don’t know about her already it’s about time you find out because she’s featured on a track on the new album. Follow her every step here:www.twitter.com/gnuccibanana
Professional dreamer of the day – February 21st
Today’s dreamer is Kalle Gustafsson Jerneholm. He’s not only the bass player of The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, but also part-owner of Svenska Grammofonstudion, where Embee has the Wax Cabinet set up nowadays. Find out more about TSOOL and the studio at: www.tsool.net and www.svenskagrammofonstudion.com
Vote for Eastern Sunz, Corroded Utopia – album of the year!
Our friends Eastern Sunz have been nominated for album of the year with ‘Corroded Utopia’ by The Independent Music Awards – vote for them here!
Professional dreamer of the day – February 20th
Our dreamer for the day is our good friend and long-time collaborator Timbuktu. He will no doubt be a familiar face to most of you, but if you for some reason have missed out on him you can find out what you need to know here.
Professional dreamer of the day – February 19th
Today’s dreamer is Christian Östlund, or Punky as he’s also known as. Punky runs Skiva – the company that handles our promotion in Sweden. He’s been doing a great job for us for years and long may it continue. Find out more about him and Skiva at www.skiva.se