På torsdag (18/6) släpper Promoe två nya singlar!
Sverigefiende (Fest mot Våldsgrupp), och Farbror Brun (ACAB jajamensan)!!
Produktion av Chords. Artwork av Cosmic & Supreme.
Big sale + new stuff up in the shop!
Check out the shop! We just added some new tees and a limited custom made jacket. We also put some nice stuff on sale!
Modern Day City Symphony 15 Years!
15 years ago today in Looptroopland: Our first full length album “Modern Day City Symphony” was released! Peace out to Timbuktu, Freestyle, Kekke Kulcha and DJ Noize for blessing us. Dainja (who also was responsible for the artwork) organized the official release party at the legendary Fat Milk club in Gothenburg. He somehow managed to squeeze waaaaaay to many people so the club was incredibly packed.
Still one of the craziest shows in LTR history.
#looptrooprockers #mdcs #timbuktu #freestyle #kekkekulcha #djnoize
Solid Radio mixtapes!
Cosmic and the Solid Radio fam just released another dancehall mixtape. Check it out!
Also check out these recent Solid Radio releases —>
Available worldwide now: LTR x Halos snapback + 7″ vinyl pack!
The limited @allcityhalos x @looptroopdvsg collaboration hat and 7″ vinyl single pack is here! Available worldwide online at shop.looptrooprockers.com and shop.allcityhalos.com! Check out the video here: http://youtu.be/KDN5bWJ_Dg8. Spotify: Looptroop Rockers – Halos iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/halos-single/id965222753
#allcityhalos #looptrooprockers #nakedswedes
Update: Looptroop Rockers vinyl records and merch is now at dvsgshop.com.
Looptroop Rockers – Halos
Here’s our brand new track and video!
Digital single release February 13.
Limited snapback and 7″ vinyl single release during the upcoming european tour.
Online webshop release March 4!
The Machine (Video)
Our new video The Machine is now online!
We recorded this while in Poland with our friends Prosto Label!